Saturday, May 18, 2024, 8:01 PM
Site: Southeast Region EMS Council, LLC
Course: Southeast Region EMS Council, LLC (SEREMS LMS)
Glossary: SEREMS ETT Glossary


To feel an area as part of the physical exam. Also used when assessing the blood pressure by feeling the radial artery.

Parental Consent

A parent’s authorization for their child’s medical care.

Patient Confidentiality

The ethical and legal concept that binds healthcare workers to protect details of a person’s experience as a patient, including the fact that they were a patient. Only what is required to provide care can be shared.

Patient Refusal

Patient Refusal The patient declines to accept the treatment or transport that the ETT recommends. Patient refusals require thoughtful communication with the patient, ensuring that the patient is competent and knowledgeable of the risks involved, and that they know how to seek care later.


The back of the throat. The nose and the mouth empty into the pharynx, while the trachea and esophagus begin here.


Lying with the front of the body resting on the supporting surface.


The point of reference for the comparisons “distal” and “proximal” is the patient’s heart. Proximal means closer to the heart.

Public Health

Typically a state, local, or federal governmental function, Public Health “promotes and protects the health of people and the communities where they live, learn, work and play”

Quote from American Public Health Association.