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Threatened or actual physical harm. If an ETT attempts to move a patient or to provide treatment against the patient’s wishes, the ETT may be guilty of assault.


This is the term used for listening (usually with a stethoscope). It is commonly used when listening to obtain a blood pressure or to a patient’s lung sounds.


This is used to describe a patient’s level of consciousness. The letters stand for:

A-Alert OR Awake (these words do not mean the same thing, be sure you understand which one is meant when you hear that AVPU = A)

V- Responds to verbal stimuli

P- Responds to pressure on the space between thumb and first finger

U- Unresponsive to any stimuli.

You may see P as painful stimulus in the text; EMS is transitioning away from pain to pressure.


A tearing away of soft tissue. May be minor like a torn-off nail or severe like a torn-off ear or partial amputation.

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