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Hypovolemic Shock

Loss of blood or fluid leading to inadequate tissue perfusion.


A condition in which cells are not provided with sufficient oxygen.


Impaled Object

Any object that has penetrated the skin and remains in place.

Implied Consent

The process used in the event that a patient is not mentally or legally able to provide expressed consent. It is based on the assumption that a reasonable person would want necessary treatment .

Inadequate Tissue Perfusion

Shock. Commonly seen by the ETT as pale and diaphoretic skin, an altered level of consciousness, fast pulse, and (later) low blood pressure.


Loss of control of the bowel or bladder


Inferior” is a comparison word. With the patient in the anatomical position, inferior means below; lower than; farther from the top of the head.

Informed Consent

The authorization given by a patient to allow a medical provider to provide treatment. This includes a description of the risks and benefits associated with the treatment being offered.


Jaw Thrust

A maneuver to open the airway while limiting the amount of head and neck movement when spinal trauma is suspected. The jaw is moved forward to move the tongue out of the airway.



A cut or tear in the skin and/or the underlying tissue.

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