Courses to become an EMS Instructor or Instructor-Coordinator (IC).

These courses have specific prerequisites that must be obtained before getting permission to enroll.

This course meets or exceeds state regulations for becoming an EMS Instructor.  It is one of two required courses; the other is the Alaska Specific Instructor Orientation.

Requirements are available here:

Qualifications to become an EMS Instructor (scroll down to part (e)): and see Appendix A (download instructions below).

Requirements for EMS instructor training courses: Review (3) and (4). Part (4) refers to the methods of instruction course while part (3) refers to the Alaska Specific Instructor Orientation.

Locate and review Appendix A content on EMS instructor requirements. Go to the state portal, look for tabs along the top, and click on Information & Guidelines. Login is not required. Click on Appendix A to download.

This course meets state regulations for becoming an ETT Instructor.

Requirements are available here:

Qualifications to become an ETT Instructor:

Requirements for an ETT Instructor Course: